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Coaching journeys > General coaching topics > Mental hygiene in uncertain times 

Mental hygiene in uncertain times, resilience coaching

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2-3 weeks into the first lockdown, I was invited to give a webinar about how one can adapt to the current situation and establish new habits that support mental health in these uncertain times. In preparation for this talk, I asked the participants to share questions and concerns that they would like me to address. The reactions could be clustered into these themes:

  • I'm feeling overwhelmed by everything that's going on.

  • I'm feeling anxiety and fear and worry about the present and future.

  • How do I deal with overthinking?

  • How do I manage the uncertainties and my own self-doubt in dealing with them?

  • I've already invested so much time, money, effort into my studies, freelance work, entrepreneurship, etc... was it all useless... all a failure?

As I was preparing for the talk, I was facing a clear challenge: there are no one-size-fits-all solutions or tools. Even with the external situation being similar for many people, the specific challenges, the internal experience and the triggered fears vary from person to person. As such, I resorted to offering a range of solutions, from more cognitive (CBT-based) tools to mindfulness techniques and narrative methods, encouraging the listeners to choose which method works for them the best (you are welcome to check out the entire talk here). At the same time, I promised myself to also create this offering, which would truly allow 1to1 work and therefore create the space for the development of truly individualized solutions – solutions that fit your needs exactly. 


This resilience coaching journey invites you to find your own ways to best adapt to volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) conditions, both in the context of your work and personal life (an important skill as COVID has been a notable example, but may not be the last one we experience in our lifetimes...). In this process, you will work with self-reflection tools to truly understand yourself, your trigger points and how you react to uncertainties, then you will be discovering various tools to find the ones that are exactly right for you in developing your resilience. Throughout the process, you will also learn simple relaxation techniques to help you manage stress and anxiety.


This resilience coaching journey is for you, if

  • If you're facing challenges while trying to adapt to a "new normal" and are looking to create strategies that support you in this.

  • If the structure of your usual life – your work, your home, your family life, etc. – has gone through a major change, blurring boundaries and leaving you feeling overwhelmed.

  • If this uncertain situation seems to have triggered deeper feelings of loneliness, dissatisfaction in a relationship, etc. and you are currently unsure how to manage this.

  • If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or worried about the future – and struggling to develop a plan for your next steps.

  • If you wish you had tools or techniques that help you manage the situation, but the ones you've read about don't seem to be right for you. 

The journey you will take


In this process, you will explore how you can authentically adapt to uncertainty, you will create a plan of action that feels genuinely right, and you will also learn a set of tools to further develop resilience. The journey will include:

Truly understanding the current situation & goal definition

  • Explore what's truly happening in you. Discover your inner triggers and challenges – within the safe space of this coaching journey.

  • Clarify & fine-tune your goals: what does a successful adaptation look like for you?

Grounding yourself

  • Identify your inner strengths and resources that you can safely build on.

  • Learn relaxation techniques, anxiety and stress management tools. Learn to observe your own narratives from a safe distance.


Finding the path

  • Define your plans, strategies, and courses of action based on what is exactly right for you and your situation.


Taking action

  • Start implementing the plan & testing the planned actions. Fine-tune approach along the way. 


Practical details and pricing

This coaching journey includes:

  • A free, 30-minute, commitment-free first consultation to help you decide if this coaching process is right for you

  • 6 coaching sessions (online or in-person in Berlin), 75 minutes each

  • Homework and fieldwork assignments in-between the sessions, facilitating and enhancing your process even further

  • A free, 30-minute follow-up video call two months after the end of your process to check on you and your progress

The timeframe of this coaching journey:

  • Ideal duration: 1.5 months (one session per week, allowing for a faster deepening of your process and creating the space for transformation)

  • The duration and time frame are flexible and adaptable – at our first consultation, we can discuss the exact timing based on your needs and preferences. 


  • Standard price of the entire coaching journey: 600 EUR +VAT (in total: 714 EUR)

  • Action price (applies if you make your decision and book your coaching within 1 week following our first consultation call): 570 EUR + VAT (= 680 EUR)

NOTE: I am aware that the current pandemic has put many people in a very tough situation, who may, as a consequence, not be able to pay for coaching, but would benefit greatly from it. I am committed to serving as much as I can, and so would like to share the below:

  • While I may not be able to offer the entire coaching journey for free, I continuously offer free slots for a shorter process (max. 3 sessions) to those in need. More information here

  • If your finances have not been affected negatively by the pandemic and would like to offer support to another person, you are welcome to 'pay forward' this coaching journey for somebody in need. Feel free to get in touch for details. 

Getting started

Ready to get started?

If you're ready take a step towards successfully managing uncertain times, it is very easy to get started:

  • Send a message to any of the contacts below. Please indicate which coaching process you are interested in (this one is called "resilience coaching or mental hygiene in uncertain times")

  • I will respond within 2-3 days and we will set the appointment for your first 30-minute consultation. This call is absolutely for free and requires no commitment from you.

  • During the call, you are invited to share a bit about yourself, your current situation and your objectives. You are also welcome to ask questions about the approach, the methodology used during the coaching. All practical aspects (scheduling, payment, etc.) are also clarified. 

  • After the call, if you decide to start with your process, you will be guided through the secure payment process and your first appointment will be confirmed.

  • It's that simple! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, using any of the contacts below.

Take that first step today.

Get in touch.

Claim your free, 30-min first consultation here. 

Please note: only online availability (no in-person sessions) available for the rest of 2024.

Bo Mérei counselor and coach

Bo Mérei

Counselor & Coach


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© Borisz Merei. Counselor & Coach in Berlin (Aquariana, Am Tempelhofer Berg 7D, 10965 Berlin Kreuzberg)

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